hide and seek. game over.

On July 24, 2014 I overstepped my boundaries and decided it was time to let go of my shadowed past. Tired of hiding, abusing exaggerated stories, and untruthfully ignoring love ones; I published my struggles about life with cancer.

linked to my story 'Little Big Man"

linked to my story ‘Little Big Man”

The opportunity was insightful. Friends, family and people I’ve never even met expressed their love and encouragement for my story. At that moment I realized the truth behind my favorite quote, “Happiness only real when shared.” I imagined I understood the definition throughout the years, however I never felt the warmth of the words until now.

Those warm moments didn’t last long…

On August 9, 2014. “Jinx” became my worst nightmare. Throughout my journey with cancer, I’ve always hid from everyone. “Little Big Man,” was supposed to answer all my unsolved questions; to help the young adults like me cover their wounds with smiles and hope.

The devastating news only pushed me back into the dark once again, because I let it. Telling only a few souls. I felt that hiding would protect those I cared about deeply. I slowly realized that what I thought was what I didn’t know. I’m no hero but, a villain of my own self-conscious.

To answer the question a lot of people have pondered since my disappearance on August 9th is… Yes, my cancer (ALL Leukemia) decided it wanted to battle once more before waving its white flag. I had no other choice but to accept the challenge. Another battle means another story, they said. But I saw it as another misfortune.

What I am trying to express is that the nightmare ends here. The game of hide and seek is over. I’ve decided that life isn’t about Jarred vs. World anymore. It’s to build strength and fight together as one.

Hopefully this blog will generate the responses we need to end world nightmares. As I saw how people thanked me for my last story. It’s time to become unselfish and write again.

5 thoughts on “hide and seek. game over.

  1. Jarred,

    Yet again this was very admirable and moving. It takes a lot to express such things and be able to expose a part of yourself the way that you do. You’ve fought this long and hard, so as your friend I’d like to give you the encouragement and support that I’d want if I were in your shoes. I’m always here whenever you need me. Don’t be a stranger. ;D

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  2. Reblogged this on and commented:
    Check out this incredible new blog by none other than Jarred Paluzzi. I’m so glad that I got the chance to work with him, even for a short period of time. I’m sure you will agree that he’s an inspiring writer.

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  3. Duder, It’s Cody Henderson, and I just want you to know, I have been in this battle before, not my own illness, but that of my mother and uncle, and you are right! it is not you vs the world, its all of us vs this disease. If you EVER need anything, I am here for you brother, I know we haven’t talked much since HS, but that doesn’t matter, I will always join the battle to fight cancer and do what I can. Talking about it is a big step!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I have been so inspired by the blots that you write. I only wish you the very happiest New Year and may all your dreams come true!,
    Love Aunt Marilyn

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